July 17, 2019, Stanton Community School Board Meeting Agenda
Stanton Community School District
School Board Meeting
July 17, 2019 - 5:30 P.M.
School Board Room
605 Elliot Street
Stanton, IA 51573
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Discussion/Action - Approval of the Agenda
IV. Public Presenters/Guest and Visitors Addressing the Board
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
A. Approval of past minutes
B. Reports
a. Transportation
b. Activity Fund
c. Finance
d. Nutrition
e. Bills - Consideration of Bills
VI. Personnel
A. Discussion/Action - Approve the resignation of Jana McCunn as football cheer sponsor
B. Discussion/Action - Approve the hiring of Jana McCunn and Shannon Henneman as co-football cheer sponsors
C. Discussion/Action - Approve the appointment of Shirley Maxwell as Business Manager/Human Resource
D. Discussion/Action - Approve Emily Irr as Co-Junior Class Sponsor
VI. Updates
A. Superintendent Updates
a. Discussion - Summer Projects
b. Discussion/Approve - Legislative Priorities
c. Discussion - Other
B. Principal’s Update
1. PTSO Update
2. Booster Club Update
3. Good News
VII. New Business
A. Discussion/Action - Approve Nishna Insurance Property/Liability Rates
B. Discussion/Action - Approve Changes to TLC Grant
C. Discussion/Action - Approve Revised Superintendent Sharing Agreement with Fremont-Mills CSD
D. Discussion/Action - Approve Revised Contract for Superintendent
E. Discussion/Action - Approve Chromebook Bid
F. Discussion/Action - Specialty Underwriters
G. Discussion/Action - Open Enrollment
H. Discussion/Action - School Board Policy
1. First Reading, Revise, and Review (604.1-604.10
2. Approval (507.9, 600-603.11)
I. Discussion/Action - Next Meeting Date
J. Other
VIII. Adjournment