District Progress Report
The Stanton Community School District Progress Report documents our district’s student achievement data.
ISASP Proficiencies:
The following graph shows proficiency levels, including the percentage of Stanton fourth, eighth, and eleventh grade students achieving proficient or advanced proficient status in reading and math using at least three achievement levels. These are also sorted by subgroups. This graph also includes the percentage of Stanton eighth and tenth grade students achieving proficient or advanced proficient status in science.
Iowa School Performance Profiles:
The Stanton Community School District was ranked Commendable at both the Elementary and MS/HS levels on the 2024 Iowa School Performance Profile. For more information on the district ranking, please visit: https://www.iaschoolperformance.gov/ECP/Home/Index.
Post Secondary Indicators:
The percentage of Stanton HS students pursuing post secondary education/training, and those receiving a score that indicates post secondary success are shown in the graphs below.
The first graph is information found at: https://reports.educateiowa.gov/PostSecondaryReadiness/home/STATEPREPTrendlines
The second graph is information that can be found at https://reports.educateiowa.gov/PostSecondaryReadiness/home/highSchoolDashboard
Dropout Indicators:
Stanton Community Schools did not have any students considered as dropouts for the 2023-2024 school year.
Core Program Completion:
Stanton’s core program completion includes the percentage of high school graduates who complete a core program of four years of English-Language Arts, and three or more years each of mathematics, science, and social studies. Based on Stanton School Board Policy and graduation requirements, all Stanton high school graduates must complete four years (or eight semesters) of ELA, and three years (or six semesters) of Math, Science, and Social Studies. Other graduation requirements are listed below. All Stanton graduates (100%) have met the Core Program Completion Requirements.
All students are required to earn 25 units (50 credits) of high school work in order to qualify for a high school diploma. A unit is earned in a class meeting 5 times a week for two semesters. Students may earn ½ credit for vocal music and .675 for P.E. per semester. These will not count towards a student’s GPA. Twenty-five units must be distributed as follows:
Fields of Subject Matter Units Credits
English 4 1/2 9
Science 3 6
Mathematics 3 6
Social Studies 3 6
Electives 11 1/2 23
25 50
All students must complete at least one semester in a computer related course prior to graduation. All students must complete the state required eight semesters in a physical education class unless there is an exemption.