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Stanton Community Schools


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The Public Hearing for the proposed 2019-2020 Stanton School Budget was opened by President Brian Bates at 5:30 p.m.  at the Stanton School Board Room, 605 Elliott Street, Stanton, Iowa.  Supt. Gute and Business Clerk Shirley Maxwell presented a Power Point presentation explaining the proposed budget.     The hearing was closed at 5:51 p.m.   .


The Stanton School District Board of Directors met at 5:52 PM on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, in the Board Room for a regular session. President Brian Bates called the meeting to order with Directors Travis Taylor, and Tom Weis present.  Additional attendees were Superintendent David Gute and Shirley Maxwell, Business Office Clerk/Secretary Protem.



Director Taylor made a motion to approve the agenda with a second by Director Weis. The motion carried unanimously.



Director Weis made a motion to approve the consent agenda of past minutes, reports, and bills with a second by Director Taylor. The motion carried unanimously.



Director Weis made a motion to approve Bruce Subbert for high school girls track coach for the 2018-2019 school year with a second by Director Taylor.  Motion carried unanimously.


Director Taylor made a motion to approve Stormey Dykes for a cook’s helper position for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year with a second by Director Weise.  Motion carried unanimously.


Director Weis made a motion to approve the resignation from Jan Lenz, math instructor at the end of the 2018-2019 school year with a second by Director Taylor.  Motion carried unanimously.


Director Weis made a motion to approve Jill Isaacson for a math teaching position for the 2019-2020 school year with a second by Director Taylor.  Motion carried unanimously.



Supt. Gute updated the board on legislative updates including the SAVE fund, home schooling vouchers and other legislative issues, encouraging Directors to be in contact with their legislators.  Negotiations with the classified staff is underway.  Work is being done on the 2019-2020 calendar and meeting with neighboring districts discussing sharing possibilities for the 2019-2020 year.  Wireless switches will be purchased with a portion of the cost being paid by erate funds.



Principal Blunt reported the PTSO will not be holding a carnival this year.  He wanted to give them a special thanks for the snacks they provided to students prior to testing.  The Booster Club donated $1500 to the uniform fund and they are considering purchasing shot clocks for football.  Booster Club Awards night will be April 12.  The State AD convention will be held in Iowa City and Mr. Blunt, Mr. Hicks and Mr. Lord planning to attend.  Discussion about sharing golf with the Essex School District is being discussed.   Principal Blunt stated that testing has been completed.  He advised the Directors about window and stair graphics that many districts are now installing.  He will look into this further for more details and pricing.  Parent teacher conferences will be held as well as many spring activities beginning. 



Stanton A team won the Quiz Bowl conference championship.  The district hosted the Conference Band Festival.  State solo/ensemble contest will be held April 6th.   The SW District FFA Convention was held in Glenwood on March 2nd.   The FFA Banquet was held with many Stanton students receiving awards.  28 Red Oak FFA members will be competing in Career Development Events April 15-16 in Ames



Supt. Gute updated the directors on their goals.

Goal l:  Increase student achievement through quality instruction and learning opportunities

Goal 2:  All students will be college and career ready upon graduating from the Stanton Community School District



Motion by Director Weis, to approve the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget as presented with a second by Director Taylor.   Motion carried unanimously.  The published 2019-2010 property tax rate is $12.32/1000 assessed valuation. 


Motion by Director Taylor, to approve the 2018-2019 school calendar adjustments as presented with a second by Director Weis.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Taylor,  to approve the resolution that the  Board of Directors of the Stanton Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2019-2020 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa with a second by Director Weis                                                                                                                                                               Motion carried unanimously.   



Motion  by Director  Weis to approve the following open enrollment in request for the 2018-2019 school year due to a change in residence:  from the Red Oak District –Adam Benson, Amanda Benson,  Matthew Utecht,  Elaina Utecht and Sam Utecht  with a second by Director Taylor .  Motion carried unanimously.

To the Clarinda District:  Aubrey Herzberg, with a second by Director Weis.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Motion by Director Weis to approve the following open enrollment in request for the 2019-2020 school year:

From the Villisca District:  Brandt Richards, Sloane Richards

From the Red Oak District:  Aubrey Bautista, Easton Smith

From the Griswold District:  Hunter Wise 

From the Essex District:  Alexis Frank, Tristan Frank, Brianne Johnson, Colton Thornburg, Quentin Thornburg, with a second by Director Taylor.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Taylor, to approve the following open enrollment out request for the 2019-2020 school year:

To the Red Oak District:  Kase Bruning, Callie Berglund



Superintendent Gute presented for the first reading, revise and review School board Policies Code No.  502.8 (Search and Seizure),  502.9 (Interviews Of Students By Outside Agencies),  502.10 (Use of Motor Vehicles),  503.1 (Student Conduct),  503.2 (Expulsion),  03.3 (Fines-Fees-Charges),  503.4 (Good Conduct Rule),  503.5 (Corporal Punishment),  504.1 (Student Government),  504.2 (Student Organizations),  504.3 (Student Publications),  504.4 (Student Performances),  504.5 (Student  Fund Raising), 504.6 (Student Activity Program),.


Motion by Director Taylor  to approve School Board Policies Code No. 500 (Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students), 501.1 (Resident Students), 501.2 (Nonresident Students), 501.3 (Compulsory Attendance), 501.4 (Entrance-Admissions), 501.5 (Attendance Center Assignment), 501.6 (Student Transfers In), 501.7 (Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals), 501.8 (Student Attendance Records), 501.9 (Student Absences-Excused), 501.10 (Truancy-Unexcused Absences), 501.11 (Student Release During School Hours), 501.12 (Pregnant Students), 501.13 (Students of Legal Age), 501.14 (Open Enrollment Transfers-Procedures as a Sending District), 501.15 (Open Enrollment Transfers-Procedures as a Receiving District), 501.16 (Homeless Children and Youth), 502.1 (Student Appearance), 502.2 (Care of School Property/Vandalism), 501.3 (Student Expression), 502.4 (Student Complaints and Grievances), 502.5 (Student Lockers), 502.6 (Weapons),  and 502.7 (Smoking-Drinking-Drugs) with a second by Director Weis .  Motion carried unanimously.



President Bates adjourned the meeting at 7:06 PM.  The next regular meeting for the board is set for                                               April 17th, at 5:30 PM in the Board Room

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