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Stanton Community Schools


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Co-ed Volleyball

Click here for the REGISTRATION FORM


We’ll follow the standard volleyball rules as adopted by the National Federation of High School Sports with the following modifications:

  1. Have FUN!
  2. Each team can have up to a maximum of 2 males on the floor at one time (1 in the front row; 1 in the back row)--you may play with 6 females and 0 males.
  3. Teams will play 2 games against each opponent using rally scoring to 15.
  4. Teams do not have to win by 2; just first team to 15.
  5. For Game 2, the teams will switch sides and the opposite team will serve first.
  6. Teams must report wins/losses and the score of their games to the admission table.
  7. To determine which team will serve first, the captain from each team will play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
  8. The losing team in #7 will get to choose which side of the net their team will play on for Game 1.
  9. Any questions can be directed to the admissions table during the tournament.


OTHER General Information:

  • Each team will help referee (2); score table (1), and line judges (2) as assigned on the game schedule.
  • Please leave us some feedback on how we are doing ([email protected]).  What can we do to make this an even better experience for you?